50% Off Your 2nd Night + 25% Off Additional Nights
Double down on your stay at Winter Park
In order for us to provide you with the best service possible please complete this questionnaire. *Returning clients can skip goals and request their instructor below.
Who booked this lesson and what is your lesson date? Please provide the first and last name of the customer who purchased this lesson.
Lesson Participant Information. Please fill out this section for each participant in the Lesson.
Is there anything we need to add to this participant's booking like lift tickets or rentals? Every participant needs a lift ticket if you don't have one let us know and we can add it on for an additional charge. Rentals are not included with lessons. If rentals are needed, please contact Central Reservations at 800.729.7907.
Please fill out a waiver for each participant. (Online waiver link provided after submitting this form)
Participate 2 (If applicable):
Participant 3 (if applicable):
Participant 4(If applicable):
Participant 5 (Adding a 5th participant will include additional fees):
Is there a specific name or type of instructor you would like to request? *Requests cannot always be guaranteed